20 Things More Fun than Discussing Politics on the Internet


  1. An emergency c-section
  2. Being trapped in an elevator with Ann Coulter
  3. Listening to your child practice the recorder
  4. Passing a kidney stone
  5. Teaching your elderly parent how to use “The Facebook”
  6. Breaking the news to your kid that his pet died
  7. A Brazilian wax
  8. Tearing your achilles tendon
  9. Being buried alive
  10. Having your heart broken
  11. Being wrongly imprisoned for life
  12. Gonadal torsion
  13. Giving driving lessons to a family member
  14. Puberty
  15. Working on a film with Michael Bay
  16. Having a Hysterosalpingogram Test (Trust me.)
  17. Taking the California bar exam
  18. Being kidnapped by a drug cartel
  19. Bed bugs
  20. Trying to reason with an irrational 2 year-old (Never mind. That’s the same thing.)